日期:2017-05-02 20:28:02



在2012年写作、2013年刊发的《新兴市场经济体崛起的冷观察》(《学术前沿》2013-9/下)一文中,我判断:“未来10—20年间,经济风险与 萧条将放大、引爆新兴市场本已存在的众多社会不稳定因素,阶级、民族、宗教、地域之间的矛盾将集中迸发,原来经济景气时期尚可容忍的问题彼时将显得无法容 忍,爆发政治动乱、游行示威、政变、内战和外战的风险上升,腐败、民族宗教矛盾、收入分配失衡、失业、官民冲突等等都可能成为引燃冲突的导火索。其它条件 相同,高度依赖初级产品行业和伊斯兰教传统浓厚的国家和地区风险更大,非洲、拉美和中东伊斯兰国家将是未来10—20年新兴市场社会震荡与动乱的主要风险 区。”将近3年来,从乌克兰动乱、伊斯兰国异军突起、也门战争、博科圣地不断膨胀、拉美政治动荡露头升级直至土耳其事变,事实已经验证了上述判断。由于社 会传统和经济等多方面根源,穆斯林国家与非穆斯林国家的穆斯林群体蕴藏着格外巨大的社会动乱与溢出风险,“伊斯兰风险”是未来一二十年世界最大政治性风险 之一。

在我国的一带一路计划中,“伊斯兰风险”同样是最大政治性风险之一,甚至可能更加突出。按照最广义的定义,“一带一路”涉及64个国家,其中有33个穆斯 林国家,占总数逾半;在剩下的31个非穆斯林国家中,有10个国家已经存在突出的穆斯林动乱及暴恐袭击风险,一个国家与穆斯林国家处于战争状态,一个国家 内部的穆斯林动乱及暴恐袭击风险可能激活;合计有44个国家存在现实的“伊斯兰风险”,占“一带一路”国家总数的69%,一个国家存在潜在的“伊斯兰风 险”。有些穆斯林国家的风险相当突出。如巴基斯坦,这个国家在中国官方层面获得了“全天候友谊”、“巴铁”、“友谊比山高比海深”等称呼赞誉,但又是一个 伊斯兰极端主义问题严重的国家,2012、2013两年,巴基斯坦暴恐活动死亡11590人,其中平民6008人,军警1408人,武装分子4174人。[1]

自助者人恒助之。作为奉行“不干涉别国内政”原则的国家,我们希望穆斯林国家摆脱动乱、走向和平繁荣,但我们没有帮助他们摆脱动乱的义务,我们能做的只能 是在他们自力初步摆脱动乱之后,通过平等互利的经贸合作为他们实现持续的和平繁荣创造尽可能良好的环境、夯实基础,我们在应对风险时需要充分考虑风险收 益,实现风险最小化而收益最大化。

有鉴于此,面对“一带一路”的“伊斯兰风险”,我们应对的原则应当是事前安排为主,事后措施为辅;以企业自救措施为主,政府保证、救援机制为辅;防范外 敌,也要防范内奸。所谓“事前安排为主,事后措施为辅”,指的是我国在完善跨国经营政治性风险应对体系时,最重要的是通过事前的主动安排(包括合理规划布 局)降低遭遇“伊斯兰风险”等政治性风险的概率,其次才是在遭遇政治性风险之后通过补偿、索赔、救援之类被动的事后措施来化解。只有这样,才能最大限度地 降低我国应对跨国经营政治性风险的成本。

为了应对包括“伊斯兰风险”在内的政治性风险,我国需要适度扩大政府在海外的救援和政策性出口信用保险、海外投资保险工具覆盖面,但指望海外救援乃至武力 干预、政策性出口信用保险和海外投资保险覆盖全部政治性风险是不现实的,既超出了国力的承担能力,又有激励企业的道德风险之虞。


从源头上降低政治性风险的发生概率,包括合理布局一带一路规划,适度开放国内舆论报道、讨论伊斯兰风险,实施中立友好策略,采取正确的跨国经营策略。特别 是适度开放国内舆论报道、讨论伊斯兰国家存在的腐败、社会动乱、暴恐横行、仇视“异教徒”等负面问题,以免误导国内民众步入险地。湖北青年只知道中巴关系 友好而单人骑自行车游览暴恐横行的巴基斯坦北部,结果被抓为人质,这样的悲剧不能重演了。










Preventing Islamic risk on ‘Belt and Road’

By Mei Xinyu

Source:Global Times


Published: 2016/12/15


A few years ago, I predicted that for the next 10 to 20 years, economic recession will worsen and cause major social instability in emerging countries. Africa, Latin America and Middle East Islamic countries will be the prime source of this upheaval and turmoil. For nearly three years, the Ukrainian crisis, the emergence of the Islamic State, the Yemen civil war and 2016 Turkish coup attempt have proved my prediction. In the next 10 to 20 years, "Islamic risk" will be one of the world's biggest political risks.


For China's "One Belt, One Road" (OBOR) initiative, Islamic risk is also a prominent political danger. According to the broadest definition, OBOR involves 64 countries, 33 of which are Muslim countries, accounting for more than half the total.


Among the remaining 31 non-Muslim countries, 10 countries have obvious existing Muslim unrest and are at risk of terror attacks. In total, 44 countries have Islamic risk, making up 69 percent of the total number of countries along OBOR.


For example, Pakistan, China's iron-core brother, is a country with serious Islamic extremism. From 2012 to 2013, violent terrorist incidents in Pakistan caused 11,590 deaths, which included 6,008 civilians, 1,408 policemen and 4,174 militants.


As a country pursuing a policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries, China has no obligations to get them out of the social upheavals. What China can do is to create a favorable environment for their peaceful development through equal trade after they walk out of turbulence. When promoting OBOR, China should fully consider risk returns, and try to maximize returns while minimizing risk.


In view of Islamic risk, China ought to give priority to pre-arrangements, supplemented by measures afterward. Chinese enterprises in Muslim countries should put self-help measures first, while making government guarantees and rescue mechanisms subsidiary. Relying on these tactics means that active arrangements are vital for reducing Islamic risk during the process of perfecting a transnational operation political risk-response system. Only in this way can China minimize the cost of political risks in transnational management.


In addition, the Chinese government should modestly promote overseas aid, and expand policy-oriented export credit insurance and overseas investment insurance. However, expecting the aid to eliminate all political risks is unrealistic, which is beyond the affordability of Chinese national strength and may lead to moral hazard for enterprises.


According to the above principles, China can take measures such as organizing Chinese security companies, and carrying out rescues and intervention when necessary. Nevertheless, what China should do most is as follows.


The probability of political risks should be reduced by appropriately arranging OBOR, moderately relaxing restrictions on media reports, discussing Islamic risk, implementing neutral and friendly policies, and taking appropriate international operations strategies.


Especially, a more open media environment and more discussions about corruption problems, social unrest, rampant violence and other negative issues in Islamic countries can prevent Chinese people from entering dangerous places.


Moreover, it is advised to speed up the organization of overseas Chinese chambers of commerce, so as to strengthen overseas merchants' ability to resist political risks. In addition, China should improve bilateral investment-protection mechanisms and upgrade policy-oriented export credit insurance and foreign investment insurance.


[1] 引自我国前驻印度总领事毛四维整理的统计数据。


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